Ayush Gupta (Born on 3rd September 2002) a Reiki Expert of Mumbai, Maharashtra became the Youngest Reiki healer in India to Learn and Practice Grandmaster Level of Reiki “Reiki Method of Natural Healing under the mentorship of Mr. Devank Shukla, Reiki Grandmaster at Vishwa Reiki Sansthan, Pune, Maharasthra and set a New World Record on […]Read More
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Anuvratsevi Dr Lalita B. Jogad an Author and Poet of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, wrote 1321 line handwritten a unique poem using 6531 words on Anuvrat Anushasta Acharya Shri Mahapragyaji and give as a gift to Acharya Shri Mahashramanji’ on 30th June 2019 and set a New World Record at Mumbai, Maharashtra.Read More
On the occasion of Golden Jubilee Year of Acharya Shri Mahapragyaji, Anuvratsevi Dr. Lalita B. Jogad an Author and Poet of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, wrote a 100 handwritten and unique poems using 8000+ words and give as a gift to Acharya Mahashramanji on Dt 28th July, 2019 and set a New World Record at Banglore, […]Read More
To support Religion Equality and All Religions are the Same, Shri Kaniyalal Chippad, President of Anuvrat Samiti, Bangalore India organized the Largest Rally (Procession) Walk “Sarvadarma Anuvrat Maharally” under the Leadership Mahatapasvi Acharyashri Mahashramji wherein over 15000+ people from 50+ different religion and groups are participating and walk together for 3 kilometers started from Adarsh […]Read More
Jyotish Deepesh Sharma (Born on 5th January 1983) a PhD in Astro Patrice of Pune, Maharashtra organized the program to promote astrology wherein 200 peoples participate and getting 200 kundli answers in 1 Hour and set a New Record at 28th February 2019. He is also youngest astrologer to owned degrees like Tantra Shiromani, Tantra […]Read More
Mangaldas Iswarlal Kadia (Born on 21st September 1949) of Modasa, Aravali Dist. Gujarat Wrote total 772800 Gayatri Mantras “Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha, Om Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracho Dayateh” by hand using a red pen and create total 322 Mantra Books between the year 2013 to 2019 and set a […]Read More
DHARESHWAR VIDYA VA KRIDA PRATISHTHAN’S – Nalanda English Medium School, Pune, Maharashtra, India, organized world record program “Geet Gopal Krishna” spiritual musical drama on Lord Shri. Krishna Charitra wherein 1743 students and 72 teachers participate and performed musical drama for 2 hours and 14 minutes continuously and set a new world record on 17th January […]Read More
SHRI DIGAMBAR JAIN PANCHAYAT SAMITI, LALITPUR, UTTAR PRADESH organized largest julush (procession) walk to welcome to 108 AACHARYA SHRI VIDHYA SAGAR JI MUNIVAR wherein 200000 people from all communities participate and walk together with Aacharya Shri for 12 Kilometer from village Biga Maharaj to Kshtrapal Ji Jain Mandir, Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh and set a new […]Read More
On the occasion of the ‘Rakshabandhan Celebration” across India, SATPRERNA TRUST Inspired by PRERNAMURTI BHARTI SHRIJI organized RAKSHA SUTRA tying marathon in 125 schools of India wherein more than 45000 Students from different cities of India wearing Vedic Rakhi while chanting Vedic mantra on 5th & 7th August 2017. The aim of the campaign is […]Read More
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