World’s Largest Book
Rajyogini B.K. Godavarididiji, Incharge – Mulund Subzone of Brahma Kumaris, has created History by making largest book of 28 ft x 18 ft on the founder of Brahmakumaris “PRAJAPITA BRAHMA A UNIQUE LIFE SECRET” in The Indian Culture & Values Spiritual Fair on Sunday 21st April 2013 at 6.00 pm at Shri Datta Krida Prabobhini Sankul, Mulund Goregaon Link Road, Mulund (W), Mumbai, This largest book contains 24 pages and the weight of the largest book is 1500 kg. Prin. Dr.B.K. Rajkumar M. Kolhe is the Chief Co-ordinator of this mega event. The event was supported by B.K. Deepak Harke & Ganesh Jindam is the designer of the largest book.