Shereen Muhammed Fadhila (Born on 6th April 2005) is a Young Girl Artist from Calicut, Kerala, India First Year – Degree Student at Women’s Islamic Sharee-Ath College, Chapappara writing a total of 99 Names of Allah (Asma ul Husna) in Arabic Language using Modern Arabic Calligraphy Art in 9 minutes and set a New World […]Read More
Tags : Calicut
Muthuvana Sanil Deep (Born on 17th January 1959) a ham radio operator since 1990 with the call sign VU3 SIO from Calicut in Kerala participate in Ham Radio Contest Year 2007. He participate Ham Radio Contest conducted by the Quilon Amateur Radio league and got top three positions for 16 consecutive years, from the Year […]Read More
Deekshith Chembrathil Sreejith (Born 12th October 2015) a Genius Boy of Thenhipalam, Malappuram District, Kerala, India, s/o. Mr.Sreejith.C.K and Mrs.Aswathi Sreejith and a Play Group School Boy of Artacia Nursery School, Calicut University Campus, Thenhipalam recognized 164 Cars’ Brand Names with its Model Names in 8 Minutes 20 Seconds and set a new World Record […]Read More
Muthuvana Sanil Deep (Born on 17th January, 1959) a ham radio operator since 1990 with the call sign VU3 SIO from Calicut in Kerala participate in Hem Fair and won 13 prizes in LakeCity Content between in the Year 2007 to 2019 organized by Quilon Amateur Radio League, Kollam, Kerala to promoting amateur radio activities […]Read More
The record for operating and controlling the longest running DX NET called BC-DX NET on ham band is 30 years and is achieved by MUTHUVANA SANIL DEEP(born on 17.01.1959) a ham radio operator since 1990 with the call sign VU3 SIO from Calicut in Kerala wherein he has developed a short wave listening as on […]Read More