Smt. Darsha Rajesh Kikani (Born on September 10, 1957) an Educationalist and Writer based in Ahmedabad, organizes a Gujarati Story Writing Competition “VARTA MELO” for the students and teachers. Collection of 2000+ stories received in response, resulted in the largest handwritten storybook with 12590 pages, weighing 25.2 kgs. The book is self-published and compiled by Darsha Rajesh Kikani and set a New World Record on 28th February 2021 at H.T. Parekh Auditorium, Ahmedabad Management Association, ATIRA Campus, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg, Ahmedabad. Gujarat, India. The project is supported by the Human and Natural Resources Development Foundation and M/s. Purity Flexpack Limited.